
The Design of Single-Chip Microcomputer Telepone Timer & Taximeter

  • 摘要: 本文介绍了一个以单片机为核心的电话单机计时计费器的设计。提出了一种识别脉冲拨号和双音多频拨号的方法,同时在设计中充分利用了单片机的资源,注意发挥软件功能。因此使该设计具有结构合理,使用方便,性能价格比高的特点。


    Abstract: This paper describes the design of telephone timer and taximeter based on the single-chip microcomputer, it points out the idea of recognizing dial pulse and dual-tone multiple frequency division dialing. Meanuhile, it fully uses the sources of single-chip microcomputer and notes to bring software into full play. Obviously, it features as follows: proper structural, easy using and high cost perfermance.


