
Evaluation and Deformation Analysis on horizontal Displacements of the Dam of Baogang Waterleading Reservoir

  • 摘要: 本文对宝钢引水库大坝的水平位移监测网的布设方案,采用灵敏度和可靠性准则进行了网的优化设计计算,从监测网的质量准则出发,对布网方案作了若干探讨。从二十五期观测资料中选出十三期进行了水平位移计算和变形的几何分析。指出,在变形分析中正确选取基准的重要意义和据多期位移值进行变形预报的一些方法,并定性地讨论了该大坝变形的物理解释。本文所作的工作对类似大坝的水平位移监测和成果处理具有实际意义。


    Abstract: Based on criteria of Sensitivity and reliability a optimization design of the monitoring network to monitor horizontal displacements of the dam of Baogang Waterleading reservoir is in this paper carried out. Some problems in planning of this network is from the point of view of netquality investigated. From 25 observation epochs 13 epochs are selected and proceeded with the calculation of horizontal displacements and geometrical analysis. It is to point out that the importance selecting datum of monitoring network correctly and the method how to make the deformation forecast with more epoch observations. Finally the physical interpretation for Dam Deformation is also brief discussed. All of those have practical significance for the same monitoring project.


