
Research on the Dynamic Data Model of Deformation Measurements Across Fault

  • 摘要: 本文主要讨论了在已知气温、地温、降雨等主要气象参数的前提下,如何运用时间序列分析方法处理跨断层观测数据,其中对混合回归方程的建立,模型方程与地震异常之间的联系以及对可能包含异常信息的观测数据进行计算和分析,结合两个实例做了较系统的探讨。此外还提出了用GM(1,1)模型对残差进行修正的灰色动态数据模型。实际应用表明上述做法是形变数据处理的一个有力工具。


    Abstract: In the paper, on the basis of known major atmospheric parameters, for example, air and underground temperature, amount of raintall, etc, how to use the method of time series analysis to process the data of observation across fault is emphatically disscussed. Through two practicality, detailed research about constructon of mixd linear regression equation, the relation between the model equation and the earthqake anomaly, processing and analysis of the observational data with possibly has anomaly is made. Besides, the grey dynamic data model that the residual is adjusted by GM (1,1) is given.Through practicality, it indicates that the metod mentioned will show its advautages in data proessing of deformation measurements across fault.


