
On teh Difgerent Tidal Correction Formulas and Unification of China's Gravity Control Networks

  • 摘要: 本文讨论了不同的潮汐公式,及其引起的重力测量计算成果不一致的问题,计算了当潮汐改正公式不统一时,对我国范围内绝对重力测量、相对重力测量、重力仪长基线格值因子标定、重力仪短基线周期误差标定及物探重力控制测量成果的影响,分析了我国85重力基本网所选取的绝对重力控制点之间的一致性、控制点与我国85网相对联测平差结果的一致性、以及85网与我国一等重力控制同之间的一致性问题。最后,为统一我国重力控制测量成果提出了一些建议。


    Abstract: There are four different tidal correction formulas. Fach of them defined a different gravity system. In this paper, the author discussed the problem of inconsistency of gravity determination results (or networks) caused by different tidal correction formulas, and calculated the effects of different tidal correction, formulas on absolute gravity determination, on relative gravity determination, on calibration of the linear constant of LCR-G meter's interval faetor, on calibration of circular errors of LCR-G meter, and on gravity determination of geophysical exploration. Also, the author analysed the inconsistency between different absolute gravity control points that used for CGBN-85 (China's gravity basic network-85), the inconsistency between CG BN-85 and china's first order gravity network Finally, on regarding the unification of our country's gravity networks, some usefull suggestions were given.


