Preliminary Results of the High Accuracy GPS Positioning Test in North-East China
摘要: 1990年8月至9月间,武汉测绘科技大学和黑龙江省测绘局合作,圆满完成了国家高精度GPS空间定位网的东北地区一个环的GPS测量试验工作。该项试验取得了预期的效果。表明了国家高精度GPS空间定位网初步设计的技术目标的可行性,并为该网的组织实施和作业调度提供了经检。通过试验,为发展完善了观测技术方案和外业数据检检方法,及全网的布测实施提供了必要的依据。Abstract: In Augsest through september 1990,the first test to demonstrate the capability of The National Primary GPS Network(NAGNET) was conducted in North-East China by Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping and Heilongjiang Provihncial Bureau of Surveying and Mapping.The test is successful.The mumverical results have preliminarily demonstrated the technical feasibility and accuracy capability of the National Primary GPS Network,whose technical scheme was designed by WTUSM.The test has provided some field experience which is very useful for the full operation of the NAGNET Some sobervation schemes and datavalidation approaches of data collections for the NAGNET project are also discussed.