
The Formula Eetween 3-D Baseline Vector and Geodetic Coordinate D Ifferences and Its Application

  • 摘要: 本文导出了以直角坐标差表示的三维基线向量(ΔY XΔ ΔZ)T与其两端点之间的大地坐标差(ΔB ΔL ΔH)T间的微分公式。讨论了这一公式在处理GPS基线向量的坐标系统转换,某些量间的微分结构研究,误差传播,以及GPS基线向量的协方差阵到高斯平面二维向量的协方差阵转换上的应用。


    Abstract: The differential formula between the 3-D baseline vector(ΔX ΔY ΔZ)T and its corresponding geodetic coordinate difference(ΔB ΔL ΔH)T has been derived in this paper.Its application to transformation of baseline vectors between coordinate systems,to studying of differential structure of some geodetic quantities,to studying of error propagation and to transformation of the covariance matrix of GPS baseline vector to the covariance matrix referring to the geodetic reference system or Gauss-Kruge plane coordinate system has also been discussed.


