
The synthesis Assessment of Urban Environmental Qualities with Multilayer Fuzzy Model

  • 摘要: 城市环境质量综合评价中,影响环境的因素很多。这众多的因素在不同的层次中对城市环境起综合的影响作用,它们往往带有"模糊性"。采用一般数学方法难于揭示其客观的结论,更难于在不同城市或区域之间进行有效的比较。本文采用模糊数学对其诸因素进行多层次综合评判,用其各个等段上的隶属度反映城市环境质量的综合定性结论,并与等级模糊映射值的转置矩阵进行运算,得出各个城市或城区环境质量综合评价值,用综合评价值相比较有效地反映出各城市环境质量优劣水平。


    Abstract: In the synthesis assessment of urban environmental qualities,there are a lot of factors impacting urban enviromental qualities.Each of them might play the defferent roles in the defferent layers.Generally,the relationship among them always is fuzzy.It is difficult to get a absolute result using general mathematics and even more difficult to compare the environmental qualities among several cities.In this paper,the mathematical model for multilayer fuzzy comprehensive judgements is applied to the synthesis assessment of urban environmental qualitie sin several layers.The result reflects the environmental qualities of defferent urbans in the subordinate level.


