The Determination of Accurate Height Anomaly
摘要: 本文在顾及局部地形改正、椭球改正及大气改正的情况下,采用实测数据,应用Meissel方法和Wenzel频谱分析方法,对某盆地边缘的高程异常进行了实际计算。并将计算结果同多普勒高程异常进行了比较,证明结果是良好的。此外还对我国精确高程异常的确定提出了一些建议。Abstract: After adding terrain correction,ellipsoidal and atmospheric gravity correction.The height anomalies in a basin margin area have been studied using two procedures(Meissel Procedure,Wenzel Procedure).Comparisons have been made between the computed results and the results derived from Doppler Positioning.Good result is obtained,then some re-marks and suggestions on the determination of accurate height anomaly are given.