On the Theoretical System of Cartography
摘要: 本文针对当前国内外有关地图制图学理论问题的阐述,提出地图投影、制图综合和地图符号系统是地图制图学的基础理论;而信息理论等新兴学科的应用是地图制图学的应用理论。在此基础上提出了地图制图学分支学科的划分问题。Abstract: In view of the elaboration on theoretical issues of cartography put forward at home and abroad,this paper proposes that map projection,cartographic generalization and cartographic symbolic system could be the basic theories of cartography,while the application of some newly developed subjects are to be applied theories of it.Based on this eognition,the authors suggest a division of branches of cartography.