
The Effects of The Biases in GPS Observations on Relative Positioning

  • 摘要: GPS相对定位的精度受到多种系统误差的影响,本文研究对流层延迟误差(分相对和绝对)、电离层延迟误差、基线或网解算时作为固定点的高程和水平坐标误差的影响规律,得出一些有用的结论。在可见卫星分布均匀的情况下,推导出相应的计算公式,而对于卫星分布不均匀的情况,研究了计算影响的软件GPS-RPBE。


    Abstract: The accuracy of GPS relative positioning is limitted by several sources of errors.The effects of the following biases are studied in this paper:relative and absolute trop-ospheric refraction,ionospheric refraction,and the deviations in the height and horizontal coordinates of the fixed station from their true values.To estimate their effects the for-mulae are derived for the condition that the visible satellites are uniformly distributed.If the above condition is not satisfactory a program GPS-RPBE developeb dy the author can be used.The investigation made in this paper leads to several rules,which provide batter understanding of the nature of the effects of different types of errors and the measures to be taken in order to improve the accuracy of relative positioning.


