
The Method of Raster Filling Used in the Establishment of Polygon File

  • 摘要: 栅格填充法建立多边形文件,是基于栅格象元"蔓延"算法,从"内点"出发自动搜索多边形轮廓边的地理数据处理方法。该法能适应任意复杂(具有"飞地"或"空洞"等情况)的多边形。该软件已成功地应用于作者研制的关系型地理数据库软件系统(RGDBS)。本文简述了该法的基本原理和有关算法。


    Abstract: The method of raster filling for the establishment of polygon file is a geogra-phical data processing method, which is based on the "spreading" algorithm of rasterpixels searching for the polygon outline automatically from the "inner point". This me-thod can be applied to any complicated polygon (such as that with "enclaves", or "holes",etc.). This software has been successfully applied in the relational geographical database software system (RGDBS), whch was developed by the author. This paper gives abrief description of the basic principles and algorithm concerned.


