
Fault Deformation Monitoring in the Fildes Strait

  • 摘要: 菲尔德斯海峡地壳断裂形变监测是我国在西南极地区进行地壳动态科学考察的主要研究课题。本文介绍了该监测网的布设和监测方法,分析了监测网的强度、可靠性、可监测性,对两期观测成果进行了初步形变分析,得出了该海峡地壳断裂有继续扩展的动态趋势和菲尔德斯半岛与企鹅岛之间可能有新的断裂存在的趋向性看法。


    Abstract: It is believed by the theory of tectonics that the area of the Antarctic Peninsulastands where the plates meet. In the area of the South Shetland Island area of the KingGeorge Island where the Great Wall Station locates, faults and rifts make the crustalmovement active, especially the Fildes Peninsula. The large fault of the Fildes Straitis a long developed and active fault. By using modern high precision geodetic technique,a crustal deformation monitoring net was established in the fault area. This paper desc-ribes the strength analysis of the monitoring net, and the analysis and processing of themonitoring results for the horizontal displacement. Finally, it gives the tentative conclu-sion that the local rift-crack system of fhe Fildes Peninsula has the tendency of move-ment.


