The Flowmeter of the Artificial Heart and Lung Machine
摘要: 本文介绍了如何应用单片微型计算机和光电传感器组成人工心肺机(或称体外循环机)流量计。该仪器对人工心肺机的泵的各种转速能够准确地采集,对不同的患者能够精确地计算出所需血液流量,从而定量地控制输送给病人的血液流量,以保证心脏手术顺利进行,改变了临床手术时手工计算的落后情况。流量计是一台新型的智能化仪表。Abstract: The paper introduces the building of the flowmeter of the artificial heart and lungmachine (also called the extracorporal circulation machine) by using a single-chip micro-computer and an photo-electronic transmitter. The apparatus can collect accurately therotation velocity of the pump fixed in the artificial heart and lung machine. It can com-pute accurately the blood flow needed by patients of different weights and surfaces ofthe skin so that we can control the flow of blood and ensure the heart operation is con-ducted successfully. It has changed the backward state of manual calculation whileoperation is going on. The flowmeter is a new intelligence meter.