
The Analysis of Planimetric Accuracy for Topographic Map Series at Medium and Small Scales

  • 摘要: 本文在分析地形图误差的主要来源的基础上,系统地对已编印出版的1:10万、1:20万、1:50万、1:100万4种中、小比例尺地形图进行了抽样量算,提出了评定地形图精度的方法;分要素(包括经纬线网交点、河流交叉点、道路交点、居民地图形中心点)讨论了地形图的平面位置精度,在此基础上,提出了我国中、小比例尺地形图的平面位置精度标准。


    Abstract: On the basis of analysing main sources of topographic map errors, some sample to-pographic maps published at 1:100000, 1:200000, 1:500000 and 1:1000000 scalesare measured, and a method which evaluates accuracy of topographic maps is proposed,the accuracies for topographic map series are discussed according to map details, forexample, graticule intersections, river and road crosses, central points of settlements,etc. Finally, some recommendations for the planimetric accuracy standards are suggestedfor national topographic map series at medium and small scales.


