A New Approach to Arrange the Approximate Epipolar Lines for SPOT Images
摘要: 本文提出了一种SPOT影象的近似核线排列的新方法——多项式拟合法,它不需要预先已知SPOT影象的任何参数和地面高程信息。论文对此方法之原理、实际的作业过程与理论分析作了较详细的阐述,并通过实例证明此方法是有效和正确的。Abstract: A New approach to arrange the approximate epipolar lines for SPOT images, refer-red to as the polynomial fitting method, is presented in this paper. With this method,it is not necessary to know any parameters of SPOT images and the terrain elevationinformation in advance. This paper detailly discusses the theory and the operation proce-dure. This new approach is proved to be effective and correct by the theoritical analysisand the experiments.