
Experimental Study on GPS Data Processing Technique

  • 摘要: 本文用实验研究方法探讨工程测量中GPS观测数据处理的几个问题,得出如下结论:载波相位二次差的精度与基线长度有关,采用网的整体平差方法处理GPS观测值时需要考虑这个问题;引进相位二次差间的数学相关不一定能改善成果的精度;电离层延迟影响可不必考虑,但对流层延迟的不同模拟方法对成果影响很大;如果观测质量优良,应尽可能把"整波长数"的解约束为整数,以提高基线解的精度。


    Abstract: The exploitation of GPS differential technology for engineering surveys differs in anumber of respects from more conveational geodatic and cadastral applications. Among theprincipal considerations are the greater accuracy and reliability requirements. To satisfythese demands further improvement of existing data processing methods becomes necesary,which leads to this investigation. In this study different models are utilized to processGPS carrier phase observations, which were acquired from a test network with interstationdistances ranging from 0.6km to 30km using GPS receiver TI——4100. The experimentsshow:——the standard deviation of double differnce of phase observations is dependent ofthe baseline length;——introduction of the mathematical correlations among the double differences maynot improve the results;——the dual frequency correction for the ionospheric effect gives worse results thannot applying the correction at all;——careful modelling of tropospheric delay is of much importance for accurate base-line determination, especially for height component;——the solution will be greatly strenghened if the estimated ambiguities are properlyforced to iategers.


