
Repeated Median Estimation and It's Application to Coordinate Transformation

  • 摘要: 最小二乘估计作为一种最优估计被广泛地应用于测量数据处理之中,因为它是建立在观测值误差符合正态分布这个假设前提下的,所以其统计数学模型缺乏抗拒粗差的能力。为了克服这个缺点。Robust估计得到迅速发展并逐步被应用到各个领域之中。本文在坐标变换中采用了重复中值估计(Robust估计中的一种方法),并将其与最小二乘估计的结果作了比较,从而阐明了中值估计的基本原理及其应用。


    Abstract: The least squares estimator, as an optimal estimator, has been widely used in the data processing of surveying science. Unfortunately the reliability of the least squares estimator may easily be destoryed by gross errors since its mathematic model is based on the prior assumption that errors of observations must be normally distributed. To avoid this problem, the robust estimator has been created and applied to various fields. The repeated median estimator (belongs to robust estimator family) has been studied in this article. An example of the transformation of coordinates between two systems using the repeated median was chosen to illustrate its principle and applications.


