
The Possibility of Making Further Additions to the Map Projection Classifications——On the Poly-eylindrical Projection

  • 摘要: 本文指出了地图投影分类系统中还有若干"空白"有补充的必要和可能,并以多圆柱投影为例,阐述了它的建立原理,用三个实例说明了多圆柱投影的建立过程。作者认为补充这一类投影既使地图投影分类得到进一步充实,同时对教学活动也有积极意义。


    Abstract: In this paper, the author points out that there are some "blanks" in the map projection classification systems, and it is possible as well as necessary to fill them. Taking the poly-cylindrical projection as an example, the author depicts the principle of construction. The process of the establishment of poly-cylindrical projection is explained with three examples. The author believes that the supplement of this kind of map projection will contribute to the improvement of the classification systems and the teaching activities of this subject as well.


