
The τ——r Curve of Shaft in Torsion

  • 摘要: 目前在材料力学实验中的圆轴扭转大变形问题尚未解决。作者导出了一个圆轴扭转的剪应力公式: τ=1/(2πR3)(3Mn+φ(dMn)/(dφ))-(Mnφ2)/(πR(l2+R2φ2))从扭转试验机上测出扭矩和对应的扭转角,通过计算机的处理,完成了剪应力--剪应变图的全程描述。


    Abstract: During the experiment on mechanics of materials, a problem of solid circular shaft in torsion testing for large deformation remains unsolved. The following formula for torsional shearing stress at a point on the suface of a shaft is derived by the author. That is τ=1/(2πR3)(3Mn+φ(dMn)/(dφ))-(Mnφ2)/(πR(l2+R2φ2)) The applied torque and corresponding angle of twist are measured by a torsion-testing machine, and the data are eventually calculated by a computer. So, the complete shearing strew-shearing strain diagram may be drawn.


