
The Restructuring and Cartographic Generalization of Digital River Data

  • 摘要: 本文概略地介绍了通过使数据合理化和溪流顺序排列的软件的研制,把某些结构引入TIS已拥有的河流数据里所进行的工作。这项工作不仅施惠于水文学和地理学,而且可用于制图。它便于根据重新组织过的数据在逻辑上的联结,借助计算机生产各种比例尺的制图综合过的地图。综合样图以英格兰西南部的水系加以说明。


    Abstract: This paper outlines an undertaking to introduce some structure to the drainage network data held by TIS, by the development of "rationalisation" and stream ordering software. As well as giving hydrographic and geographic benefits, the work cartographically facilitates the creation of computer generalised map products at a variety of scales, based on logical links in the restructured datasets. This aspect is illustrated from an area of S. W. England.


