微机通讯软件COMTQOL 1-2-3的开发和应用
The Implementation and Application of the Microcomputer Communication Tool COMTOOL 1-2-3
摘要: COMTOOL1-2-3(全称为Communication TooL)是我们最近开发的用于PC-1500、AppleⅡ和IBM-PC的微机通讯系统。它既能使这三种微机的BASIC程序相互在另一个机器上运行,也能使PC-1500成为AppleⅡ及IBM-PC的智能终端,还能使PC-1500成为AppleⅡ及IBM-PG的数据收集器。在BASIC程序移植、现场数据收集后的处理以及有效使用大容量微机等方面,该系统会减少大量的重复性劳动和不必要的机时耗费,使微机的有效利用率大大提高。本文介绍了它的实现方法和应用实例。Abstract: COMTOOL 1-2-3 is a communication tool for IBM-PC, Apple Ⅱ and PC-1500 computers developed in July, 1985. It can transfer program (BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, DBASE etc.) files and data files from one to another among the three kinds of computers. Apart from this PC-1500 and Apple Ⅱ can be turned into the intelligent terminals and data collecters of IBM-PC. The present paper presents the implementation and applications of the above mentioned software.