The Modeling and Encoding System for Globaldiscrete Equaiarea-quadtree Grids
摘要: 在分析球冠、球带表面积公式的基础上,提出了一种等面积四叉树全球离散格网建模方法,阐述了格网划分机理,制定了格网编号体系,给出了由编号确定格网中心地理坐标及由地理坐标确定格网编号的公式,分析了其实际应用方向。Abstract: Based on analyzing the area formula of spherical crown and band,the article proposes the modeling method for the global grids with equaiarea and quadtree structure,elaborates the delimiting mechanism,formulate the number system,constrcts the formula from the number to longitude and latitude of the center and from longitude and latitude to the number,assumes the aspects in use.The grids have uniform shape and area,edges parallel to meridian and parallel.