Impact of Tibetan Plateau Deformation on China's Western Borders
摘要: 基于青藏高原GPS形变1991-1999年间的测量成果,通过对中尼(中国与尼泊尔)、中印(中国与印度)边界及中不(中国与不丹)边界附近GPS测站地壳水平运动速率的统计分析,运用平均速度法估算了近10a西部边境地区的形变面积。初步计算结果表明,青藏高原形变对我国西部边界存在影响,在1991-1999年之间西部边界的不均匀形变导致国土面积缩小0.37km2。Abstract: This study statistically analyzed the horizontal crustal movement rates of GPS stations near the boundaries of China-Nepal,China-India and China-Bhutan.The calculations are based on the achievements of GPS measurements in Tibetan Plateau in the period of 1991 to 1999 with the average velocity.The nonuniform deformation of Tibetan Plateau caused the China's borders deformed.The western boundary has been moved in the direction of northeast with contraction area 0.37 km2 in nearly ten years.