Regularization of Point-Mass Model for Multi-Source Gravity Data Fusion Processing
摘要: 针对传统点质量方法在融合处理多源重力数据过程中可能出现的病态性问题,特别引入Tikhonov正则化方法,对点质量法计算模型进行正则化改造,建立了相应的正则化点质量解算模型。使用EGM2008位模型模拟产生航空重力和海面船测重力数据进行了融合处理仿真试验。实际验证结果表明,正则化处理方法能够有效抑制病态系数矩阵小奇异值放大噪声对点质量解的污染,提高解算结果的精度和稳定性。Abstract: Tikhonov regularization is introduced into the point-mass method to solve the ill-posed problem in fusion processing of multi-source gravity data. A point-mass model is regularized,and a modified regularization point-mass model is proposed. Finally,a sea-borne gravity data set and an airborne gravity data set from EUM2008 model are used as a case study to test the efficiency of regularization point-mass. Results show that the modified method can inhibit the amplifying effect of measurement errors due to the small singular values of iill-posed coefficient matrix,and thus improve the precision and stability of point-mass solutions.