
Analyzing the Characteristics of the Expansion of the Metropolises in China from 1990 to 2010 Using Self-organizing Neural Network

  • 摘要: 以我国27个主要城市为研究样木,采用遥感数据和统计数据获取1990-2010年间的城市扩展和社会经济信息,从城市扩张速度、集约度和空间形态三方面选取城市扩展特征指标,基于自组织网络可视化工具分析上述指标的数值分布和变化规律。自组织网络成分平面图对比分析表明,我国主要大城市在1990-2010年间经历了快速低密度扩张的过程。2010年城市建设用地面积平均扩张为1990年的3. 81倍,而城市建设用地人II密度则平均每年下降3%-4%。与1990-2000年相比较,2000-2010年城市扩张速度更快,人口密度下降更多,低密度扩张特征更为明显,但是扩张最快的城市由一线城市变为二、三线城市。


    Abstract: This research employ remotely sensed data and explorative data mining tools to study the characteristics of urban expansion in China. We used 27 metropolises in China as samples,and acquired the urban expansion data and socioeconomic statistics of these cities from 1990 to 2010. We selected the indices in terms of urban expansion rate,land use intensity,and landscape pattern,and then analyzed the change of these indices across cities using self-organizing feature map(SOFM) as a visual data mining tool. By examining the component planes generated by SOFM,we found that the cities expanded very rapidly in a low intensity way from 1990 to 2010. The area of urban land in 2010 became 3. 81 times of 1990 in average,but the intensity of urban population deceased annually 3%to 4%in average. These cities expanded more rapidly in a lower intensity way from 2000 to 2010 comparing with the former decade. The biggest cities expanded in most expansion rate in the first decade,while the relative small cities leading the expansion in the second decade.


