
Sub-pixel  Location of  Feature Point Based on Taylor  Expansion and Its  Application

  • 摘要: 针对无人机影像空三处理对特征点定位精度要求高的问题基于Harris点特征提取算子提出了一种改进的子像素定位方法 该方法以二阶泰勒展开式拟合初始特征点邻域的Harris响应函数采用邻域灰度值中心差商来近似计算泰勒展开式中偏导数的初值引入最小二乘和高斯距离加权的思想计算偏导数的改正量对求得的泰勒展开最小二乘拟合式求极值获取子像素级的特征点 通过计算机模拟图像对算法进行精度和抗噪能力测试 结果表明本文算法的子像素定位精度高且具有一定的抗噪能力 通过对实际无人机数据进行空三实验结果表明本文方法的定位精度能改善无人机影像的空三处理结果


    Abstract: Considering the hi gh demand of  interest  pointspositioning precision  for  aerotriangulation of UAV imagesthis paper  proposes  an  improved  sub-pixel  location method based on Harris al gorithm. Firstl yHarris al gorithm was used  to detect  the ori gin  interest  points.Secondl ya least  square  fittin g of Taylor  expansion to  the  image gre y scale  surface was done around  the nei ghborhoods of  each ori gin interest  point  and a Gaussian-distance  al gorithm was emplo yed  to determine  the weight.Thirdl ysubpixel  location  of  the  interest  point was obtained by calculating the  extremities of  the derived  function.Tests were done  for  ei ght  kinds  of  computer-simulated  images  and three kinds  of  actual UAV images experimental  results  show that  our proposed method has  the desired efficienc y and noise  immunity the positioning accurac y can meet the  re quirements  of  aerotriangulation of UAV images


