
Sin gle  Epoch Ambiguit y Resolution Success Rates Under Modified Objective  Function Without Prior Baseline Information

  • 摘要: 基于CA码和双频载波相位信息建立双差伪距和宽巷相位观测模型以浮点变换方法生成模糊度备选空间将改进的目标函数L1相位残差平方和与L2相位残差平方和之和替换传统的目标函数浮点解与真解残差二次型作为模糊度搜索的准则18h实测静态数据的计算结果表明在模糊度求解的正确率可靠性和可用性方面改进的目标函数优于传统的目标函数.


    Abstract: In  this paperthe  traditional  objective  functionthe quadratic of  difference  of  float  ambiguity and  inte ger  ambiguit yis  re placed  by a modified function  called  sum of  L1and L2pure  carrier  phaseresidua  squares when searching for  a correct  inte ger  ambiguit y.The inte ger  ambiguities  search  space is  obtained by a floatin g transformation  and building observation model with DDdouble difference CA code  range and wide  lane  carrier  phase.The calculation  results  from 18-hour static GPS data  indicate  that  the modified is  better  than  the  traditional  objective  function  for  reliabilit y and usabilit y with a hi gher  success  rate.


