
street  view images matching al gorithm based on colorscale-invariant  feature transform

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于彩色信息的尺度不变特征匹配算法以实现彩色图像间的特征匹配 引入对光照变化具有一定鲁棒性的对角-偏移模型通过模型变换求出图像各位置的彩色不变量并以此作为输入图像再采用改进的harris算法提取图像的几何信息建立一种具有几何和颜色不变性的特征向量最后利用特征向量间的相关系数完成匹配 本文将该算法用于街景影像匹配中并对比与传统sift算法的差异结果表明此算法不但能够得到分布均匀密集度高的匹配点且耗时少匹配精度高证明了对于街景影像匹配研究的适用性


    Abstract: mage feature  extraction and matching will be done after  color  image is  transformed  into  gra ymay cause  color  information  loss  and  lead  to wrong matching.in order  to  solve problem this paperpresents  a method color-based scale-invariant  feature  transform to  realize  feature  image matching.thenfeature  points  are  extracted by using improved harris al gorithm ei ghbor  information  aroundthese points  is  described using color  invariant  value as  input  information.finall ythe points  betweentwo images  are matched using correlation coefficient.to demonstrate  the  feasibilit y of  approachex-periments with groups of  street  view  imagescompared with the  traditional  sift al gorithm.show thatthe proposed al gorithm can not onl y intensive match pointshi gher matching correct  rate  speed validity.


