this paper proposes a strate gy that uses a planar block ad justment method to solve theproblem of ortho-rectification for the orientation parameters of all satellite images and block ortho-rectification for each satellite image.this strate gy can ensure the uniformity of absolute positioning accurac y and relative position of satellite images which are ortho-rectified.using tests of panchromatic nadir 139images from zy-3surveying satellitesshow that by using onl y a small number of ground control points gcps whose planar accurac y is 5mthe planar accurac y of inde pendent check pointsicpswas better than 7 mafter planar block ad justment.this accurac y meets chinese 1∶50 000topogra phic map accurac y re quirements.in additionthe accurac y of the tie points tpsin ad jacentimages was better than 0.5pixelsachieving a seamless mosaic level in geometr y.