
block ortho-rectification  for  satellite  images

  • 摘要: 针对大区域卫星影像正射纠正所面临的问题提出了利用平面平差的方法来求解卫星影像定向参数然后进行区域正射纠正的策略 该方案能够保证大区域卫星影像正射纠正后绝对定位精度以及相邻影像接边处相对定位精度的一致性 通过资源三号测绘卫星正视全色影像的实验表明仅利用少量平面精度为5m的地面控制点大区域影像经过平面平差后独立检查点的平面精度优于7m满足了我国1∶5万地形图的精度要求 此外利用平面平差后每景影像的定向参数进行区域正射纠正相邻影像接边处连接点的像方精度优于0.5个像素达到了几何上无缝镶嵌的程度


    Abstract: this paper  proposes  a strate gy that  uses  a planar  block  ad justment method to  solve  theproblem of  ortho-rectification  for  the orientation parameters  of  all  satellite  images  and block ortho-rectification  for  each satellite  image.this strate gy can ensure  the uniformity of  absolute positioning accurac y and relative  position of  satellite  images which are  ortho-rectified.using tests  of  panchromatic nadir  139images  from zy-3surveying satellitesshow that  by using onl y a small number of  ground  control  points gcps whose planar  accurac y is  5mthe planar  accurac y of  inde pendent  check pointsicpswas better  than 7 mafter planar  block  ad justment.this  accurac y meets chinese 1∶50 000topogra phic map accurac y re quirements.in  additionthe  accurac y of  the  tie  points tpsin  ad jacentimages was better  than 0.5pixelsachieving a seamless mosaic level  in geometr y.


