
application  of multivariate total least square  in three-dimensional coordinate transformation

  • 摘要: 为解决总体最小二乘tls解算三维坐标转换时旋转矩阵线性化导致解算精度降低的问题提出了能够直接求解旋转矩阵的多元总体最小二乘mtls模型 为了验证多元总体最小二乘坐标转换解算效果设置了各种坐标转换实验并与总体最小二乘法进行比较 分析了旋转角度和尺度因子对解算精度的影响并根据实验结果得出了以下结论在大角度及独立等权观测条件下多元总体最小二乘坐标转换解算精度优于总体最小二乘且算法简单无需迭代能够实现任意尺度的坐标转换


    Abstract: for avoiding loss  of  accurac y caused by the  linearization  of  rotation matrix in  three-dimen-sional  coordinate  transformation  by the  total  least  squaretlsmethodthe multivariate total  leastsquaremtlsmodel  is  advanced.in order  to  evaluate  the  effect  of mtls on coordinate  transformation various  experiment  schemes  set  compared with the tls al gorithm.he  impacts  of  rotation angleand scale  factor  on solution precision  are  anal yzedand conclusions based on the  experimentresults  asfollowingin  the  condition of  coordinate  transformation with a bi gger  rotation angle  or  under  independent  equal  precision observationthe  solution precision of mtls is  better  than  the one of tlses peciall y the mtls method does not need  iterative  calculation and can be used  for  coordinate  transformation with any scale  factor


