
adjustment al gorithm about observation data with uncertain

  • 摘要: 通过把不确定度作为参数融入到函数模型建立了不确定性平差模型 依据残差中不确定性传播规律确定了残差最大不确定度达到最小的平差准则利用迭代算法得到了不确定性平差模型的解算方法 通过实例分析了最小二乘平差整体最小二乘平差和不确定性平差准则下最优解的不同特点


    Abstract: uncertainty often  exists  in  the  collection of measurement dataand affects  the  reliabilit y ofparameter  estimation.this  paper  establishes  a new ad justment model  in which uncertainty is  incor porated  into  the  function model as  a parameter.a new ad justment  criterion  and  its  iterative  al gorithmare  given based on uncertainty propagation  law  in  the  residual  errorin which the maximum possibleuncertainty is minimized.this paper  also  presents  anal yzes with examples of  different  ad justmentcriteria  and the  features  of  optimal  solutions using least -squares ad justmentuncertainty ad justmentand total  least -squares ad justment.error  theor y is  extended with a new observational  data processingmethod for  uncertainty


