基于 hilbert曲线的str索引改进算法

an improved str-tree  spatial  index al gorithm based on hilbert-curve

  • 摘要: 递归网格排序算法sort-tile -recursivestr是一种性能优良的静态变体其构建效率高效查询性能较为优良但是没有很好的兼顾到数据本身的聚集特性 hilbert曲线具有较好的数据聚集特性但是存在一定信息的丢失 本文利用hilbert曲线的聚集性来提高str-树的数据聚集性能提出了一种基于hilbert编码的str索引改进算法并在改进中弥补信息丢失的问题 算法首先按照mbr的hilbert值进行排序根据节点容量生成子节点形成各聚类中心针对hilbert异常值采用距离约束条件进行处理迭代以上过程生成hilbert str-树 研究结果表明该算法的查询效率优于str-树和r树


    Abstract: the sort-tile-recursivestris  a static r-tree  variation with outstanding build efficienc yand acceptable  query efficienc y.the onl y problem the  aggre gation of  data.hilbert  curve can ensuredata aggre gation howeversome other  information missed.in order  to  solve deficiency str-treeanimproved str-tree  spatial  index  al gorithm based on hilbert-curve  is  proposed.this paper  focuses  onthe offset  caused by dimensionalit y reduction during the build process.al gorithm sorts  the objects  bythe hilbert value of  its mbrsgenerates  the  temp-abstract nodes according to  the node capacit yandrecords  the  center  of  each cluster.secondthe  al gorithm processes hilbert outliers by adding the dis-tance  constraint.thirditeratin g the  above process until hilbert str-tree  is  built.both theoretic  anal ysis  and experiments  indicate  that  our al gorithm performs more efficientl y than  the str-tree  querying.


