
areal feature main skeleton extraction al gorithm

  • 摘要: 基于对delaunay三角网和对其算法的改进实现了面状要素主骨架线自动提取 改进了delaunay三角网生成算法使其能适用于较为复杂的面状要素的三角网的建立提出了面状要素三角网边界区域存在的大量的小三角形的定义和处理小三角形的有效算法以三角形为最小单位作为树节点有效地建立了基于三角网的二叉树结构 实验验证了对目标主骨架线提取的有效性


    Abstract: a new al gorithm based  the delaunay trian gulated network and  its  improved al gorithm isproposed  to  implement  area  feature  automatic skeleton  line  extraction.a delaunay trian gulated network al gorithm was improved  to be better  applied  to more complex  area  feature  of  the  trian gular  network establishmentthe  existence of  a lar ge number of  smaller trian gles  in  the  facet  element  trian gulation  boundary re gion was carried outan effective  processing al gorithm was proposed  to  improve  theskeleton extraction efficienc ytrian gle was considered  the  smallest unit as  a node of  the  tree  and an ef fective  binar y tree  structure  based on trian gulation was presentedtrifurcate  chain-table  stora ge structure was used  to make the binar y tree  traversal  more strai ghtforward.the  experimental  resultsshowed  that  the proposed concepts  and al gorithms  for main skeleton extraction to be more effective.


