
Spatial Similarity Assessment Model and Its Application in Line Groups

  • 摘要: 以空间线群目标的空间统计特征为基础,对线群目标的空间关系和几何特征进行了描述。利用拓扑关系概念邻域图定义线群之间的拓扑关系相似度,利用方向均值定义线群之间的方向关系相似度以及利用“环形方差”定义线群目标之间的距离相似度。结合线群的长度和平均长度、线群密度及线群曲折度,建立了线群目标相似度计算模型,对线群目标相似度进行了整体度量。实验结果表明,相似度计算结果与地物特征比较一致,符合人们的直观认知。


    Abstract: The spatial relationships and geometry features of line group based on spatial statistical character are described.The conceptual neighborhood network of topological relationships between lines is used to define topology similarity between line groups.The directional mean is applied to define direction similarity between line groups,their circular variance is utilized to define distance similarity between line groups.Combined with the length,average length,density and tortuosity of line group,a computation model for similarity assessment between line groups is established.Experiment results show that the similarity assessment is generally consistent with surface features and intuitive cognition of human.


