Suitability of Regional Multi-airports Planning by Hierarchical P-median Location Model
摘要: 研究了中值选址模型和梯阶选址问题,提出了利用梯阶中值选址模型的区域机场群选址布局模型,并对广东省机场群布局的适应性进行了实证研究。在模型实验中,应用地理信息技术对模型进行了计算,结果说明了该模型及模型计算方法对区域机场群选址规划的应用价值。Abstract: We study P-median location model and hierarchical location problem,present a regional multi-airports location model based on hierarchical P-median location problem.The proposed model is experimented with multi-airports location suitability in Guangdong Province.A GIS-based computational approach is applied to compute the model.The experimental results are interpreted to provide a valuable decision tool for decision-makers in the area of airport planning.