Quality Analysis on Crowd Sourcing GeographicData with Open Street Map Data
摘要: 为了解决来自非专业用户协同编辑的众源地理空间数据质量问题,提出了一种众源地理空间数据质量评价技术框架。针对众源开放街道地图(open street map,OSM)数据特点,选取数据完整性、属性信息准确性和定位精度三方面质量要素,提出了面向众源开放街道地图(OSM)空间数据的质量模型和计算方法。Abstract: To solve the quality problem of crowd sourcing geographic data obtained from non-professionals,aquality analysis model for open street map(OSM)crowd sourced geographicdata is proposed.Aimed at the data characteristics of OSM,an OSM spatial data qualitymodel with a calculation method is presented with data completeness,attribute accuracy,andpositioning accuracy as three quality elements.