
A Secure Distribution Method for Remote Sensing Image Based on Content

  • 摘要: 联合解密与指纹嵌入(joint fingerprinting and decryption,JFD)框架能为遥感影像的安全分发提供完整的安全保护,且效率较高。但这种方案不仅导致指纹嵌入后的图像质量下降较为明显,且不能满足遥感影像的近无损性的要求。针对JFD框架的这种缺陷,本文提出了一种基于内容的遥感影像安全分发方法,对遥感影像根据内容进行分类,选取对遥感影像内容影响较小的区域嵌入指纹;提出邻域相似度的定义,选取加密后邻域相关性保持较好的区域进行部分解密,嵌入指纹。实验结果表明,利用本文提出的方案获得的嵌入指纹后的图像质量较好,且不影响遥感影像的后续应用。


    Abstract: The joint fingerprinting and decryption(JFD)framework can provide comprehen-sive security protection for distribution of remote sensing images,and is highly efficient.But,this framework will lead to degradation of image quality after embedding fingerprints,and therefore cannot meet the specific near-lossless requirement of remote sensing images.Asecure distribution method for remote sensing images based on content is proposed.The im-age is partitioned into different regions,and the region which affects image content greatly isexcluded from the fingerprint embedding area.At the same time neighborhood similarity isdefined to evaluate the change of pixel correlation,areas with good neighborhood similarityafter encryption are chosen or embedded fingerprints.Experimental results show that thefingerprinted image has good image quality,and it will not affect its applications.


