Naturalisation Method Research on Inter-Satellite Link Observation Data
摘要: 针对基于星间链路自主导航的数据预处理问题,给出了历元时标归化、双向距离归化的数据处理方法,并利用仿真星间链路数据对算法的有效性进行了评估。分析了影响星间测距数据归化精度的各类误差源,指出历元时标归化的插值阶数及星间测距观测量的采样间隔是影响异轨链路归化精度的主要影响因素。Abstract: Aiming at the inter-satellite observation pretreatment, this paper describes the epoch naturalization and two-way distance naturalization processing methods. And the efficiency of the algorithm is evaluated using simulated inter-satellite observation. Several error sources which influences the accuracy of naturalization are analyzed. And this paper points out that the interpolation order and sampling interval of inter-satellite observation are the main factors which influence the naturalization precision of inter-satellite links with satellites pointed at different orbit plane.