不同传感器线性光谱分解反演不透水面的对比——以Landsat ETM+和EO-1 ALI为例

A LSMA-based Comparison of the Performances in Retrieving Impervious Surface Between Landsat ETM+ and EO-1 ALI

  • 摘要: 利用线性光谱分解模型,对同日过境的Landsat ETM+和EO-1ALI影像的不透水面信息反演结果进行对比研究,从提取精度、盖度精度两方面对两种传感器影像的不透水面反演能力进行对比。结果表明,ALI反演不透水面的能力优于ETM+,其提取总精度和Kappa系数均高于ETM+高;其均方根误差和系统误差的绝对值都小于ETM+。两者产生差异的原因在于ALI的光谱分辨率和辐射分辨率均高于ETM+。


    Abstract: The extraction of impervious surfaces from satellite imagery has been a hot topic in the remote sensing field over the past decade.Nevertheless,whether the impervious surface information extracted from different sensor images is comparable is still unknown.This paper implemented a complementary study based on a comparison of the retrieved impervious surface information from Landsat ETM+ and EO-1 ALI sensor data.Impervious surface features were derived from a date-coincident image pair of the two sensors by using linear spectral mixture analysis(LSMA).The accuracy of retrieved impervious surface information of the two sensors was assessed and compared.The results show that the ALI image has higher accuracy than ETM+,as suggested by its higher overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient and lower root mean square error and systematic error(in absolute value).The differences in spectral resolution and radiometric resolution between the two sensors are believed to be the main factors causing these differences when retrieving impervious surfaces.An increase in spectral information in ALI sensor can be of help when distinguishing differences between land cover types,while the enhancement in radiometric resolution in the ALI sensor can make the sensor more sensitivite when detecting ground surface features.


