
Temporal Semantic Characteristics of Spatial Entities’ Attributes and an Algebraic Framework

  • 摘要: 基于代数方法,建立了空间实体的时态属性与时间之间的函数关系——时态属性函数。分别从自变量、定义域、函数关系以及函数值四个方面对时态属性的时间语义特征进行了研究,并给出了时间语义特征的代数描述、分类和定义。在此基础上,提出了20种时态属性的时间特征类型,为进一步实现时态属性数据建模,研究时态属性操作,查询语言以及时态属性在时态GIS中的表达奠定了良好的基础。


    Abstract: Spatial,temporal and attributive characters are the three basic characters of spatial entities.Temporal attributes change over time.Research and Modeling on temporal attributes’ temporal semantics are important in spatiotemporal data modeling field.In this paper,in the form of algebraic relation,an attributive function is proposed,based on which,the temporal semantics of independent variable,domain of definition,function’s relation and function’s value are analyzed,and the algebraic descriptions,definitions and classifications of them are presented.At last,a classification with 20 types of temporal attributes are motivated which is able to offer advanced support for data modeling on temporal attributes,research on operation and query language,and presentation techniques in temporal geographical information system(TGIS).


