Eliminating Constellation Rotation Error of Autonomous Orbit Determination Using Differential Anchor Stations
摘要: 地面锚固站能够有效解决自主定轨中存在的星座整体旋转问题,但由于星地链路存在电离层延迟、对流层延迟等较大的测距系统误差,引入锚固站后的自主定轨精度较差。针对这一问题,本文提出了一种地面锚固站时序差分测量方法,利用短时间内导航卫星星地链路测距系统误差变化较小的原理,对同一测距链路前后不同观测历元的测距值进行差分。仿真结果表明,利用两个或两个以上地面锚固站单历元差分观测或者一个地面锚固站多历元差分测量可以有效抑制星座的整体旋转,且差分测量较直接测量方法有更高的自主定轨精度。Abstract: The constellation rotation error of autonomous orbit determination based on the inter-satellite measurement can be effectively eliminated using anchor stations.But,the accuracy of orbit determination using anchor stations is poor because of the system errors caused by ionospheric delay and tropospheric delay etc.An anchor station timing difference measurement method,using the principle that the system error of a navigation satellite to ground ranging link varies very little in a short time,is proposed to eliminate the system error of measurement system and improve the accuracy of autonomous orbit determination.Simulation results show that the rotation of the constellation can be effectively restricted using the anchor station method.Inaddition,the timing difference measuring algorithm performs better than direct measurement methods.