Multi View Traffic Sign Recognition Based on ASIFT
摘要: 针对自然场景图像中交通标志存在多视角难以识别的问题,提出了一种基于ASIFT(affine scale invariant feature transform)算子匹配的交通标志识别算法。利用ASIFT对视角变化的不变性进行特征点匹配,通过统计并比较有效匹配点来决定标志种类。实验表明,该算法对视角较小的交通标志也有较好的效果。Abstract: Considering the multi view traffic signs in the nature scenario. This paper proposes a ASIFT MATCH(affine scale invariant feature transform,ASIFT) based multi view traffic sign recognition method. Making use of the ASIFT invariant features, we classify the signs by calculating the number of the valid matching points. Experiments show this method perform well even on the low angle signs.