On GPS Observation Errors with ANC Principles and Wavelet Denoise Method
摘要: 对GPS载波相位测量误差进行了理论分析和试验研究。根据噪声特征以及它们对载波相位测量结果的影响,提出了基于自适应噪声抵消与小波滤波相结合的GPS噪声抑止方法。对具有强相关特性的多路径误差采用自适应噪声抵消方法,而对于不相关的高频噪声则通过合理选择小波分解层数对信号进行分解,对作用阈值后的小波系数进行重构,得到最后的变形信号。实测数据分析表明,该方法能有效地削弱多路径效应及测量随机噪声,较用单一方法对GPS数据进行消噪处理有较大的优越性。Abstract: In order to derive a relatively noise-free time series from the GPS results,an integrated method based on adaptive noise cancelling principles and wavelet de-noise method is presented.To verify the effectiveness of the method,an experiment is carried out,the results indicate that the adaptive noise canceller is a powerful signal decomposer,which can significantly mitigate multipath effects since multipath tends to exhibit the same pattern between consecutive days;wavelet filter is a suitable tool to separate stochastic noise that cannot be filtered by ANC method form signal.This kind of combination is superior to single filtering method.