
A Spatial Index and Query Language Based on Native XML

  • 摘要: 提出了一种用于原生XML数据的空间索引方法,有效解决了在处理原生XML空间数据时遇到的效率问题,并在此基础上构建了结合XML和关系数据库特性的XML空间查询语言XML-GSQL。该查询语言具有良好的结构,并且针对空间操作进行了扩展,使空间操作更加简洁和高效。


    Abstract: A method for constructing spatial index over the native XML is proposed.It also includes the path-index and the value-index,which are the base of spatial index.A new query language is introduced as XML-GSQL, which is designed to suit native XML and characterized by features of both XML document and database.And an examples of this language is given to evaluate the total efficiency of spatial query.


