Application of GIS in Petrochemicl Information System
摘要: 论述了在石化企业的装置开发中设计三维仿真石化装置信息综合管理系统的意义,并以安全评估分析为例阐述了系统建立的目标与系统功能,形成一个真正数据共享、数据灵活分层、实用开放的现代化管理系统,这将对石化企业管理模式、生产方式产生深远的影响。Abstract: The signification of designing a comprehensive information management system to simulate 3-dimensionally the equipment in a petrochemical enterprise is described.Taking risk evaluation as example,the objective and function of the system are given to form a real modern management system which is easy for data sharing,flexible layered and yet extensible.