On the Road Travel Time for Dynamic Route Choice
摘要: 从交通流的时空变化特性出发,在路径选择时把同向不同车道作为一个整体合并为一个方向车道来计算其路段行程时间,并分析了路段行程时间的变化规律,且认为其是受随机因素影响而服从渐近正态分布的虚拟观测,通过权的定义决定观测值的影响,从而将一些突发事件与正常的交通流同等对待;其次讨论了该随机过程的采样函数与概率分布,在分析速度、密度、流量交通流基本参数间关系的基础上,认为采用空间占有率在计算路段行程时间时,更能体现其动态性。Abstract: First,it is considered that different traffic lane with the same direction can be merged into one direction traffic lane from the space-time varieties of traffic stream,so that the road travel time can be calculated as a whole.Then it is considered that the road travel time is a random process which is varied with the time and obeyed the asymptotically normal distribution and is also the virtual observation.By the influence of the power to the observation,some paroxysmal events can be treated as the normal traffic density.Next the sampling function and the probability distribution of this stochastic process are discussed.On the analyses of the relation of basic parameters such as the speed,the density,the traffic flows,the spatial occupancy is more dynamic when the road travel time is calculated.