Three Interpolation Methods for Precise Ephemeris and Clock Offset of GPS Satellite
摘要: 阐述了GPS精密星历和钟差滑动式内插方法,利用德国GFZ(Geo Forschungs Zentrum)数据中心提供的精密星历和钟差,分析和比较了两种滑动式多项式插值以及线性插值方法,并且探讨了线性插值的适用范围,得出了一些已有文献未论及的结论。Abstract: Two common sleek interpolation methods,Lagrange interpolation and Newton interpolation,for Precise Ephemeris and clock offset of GPS satellite are presented.The results calculated by these two methods and linear interpolation method show that the sleek algorithm can get higher precision.Additionally,Newton interpolation and linear interpolation can obtain the same precision efficiently for interpolating precise ephemeris and clock offset in practice.