Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images Using MRF Models
摘要: 提出了一种顾及空间邻域关系的多时相SAR影像非监督变化检测方法,采用马尔可夫随机场(Markov random field,MRF)模型描述SAR比值差异图像的空间上下文信息,提出了基于该模型的EM-MPM非监督变化检测算法。实例研究表明,与未顾及空间上下文信息的EM双阈值算法相比,该方法能够有效地提高变化区域提取的可靠性和准确性。Abstract: This paper proposes an unsupervised change-detection method considering the spatial-contextual information in the SAR log-ratio image.The expectation maximization(EM) algorithm is employed to automatically estimate the statistical parameters associated with changed and unchanged pixels,and the Markov random fields(MRF's) model is applied to characterize the contexture-dependent information.The experiment results show that the proposed method can improve accuracy and reliability of change-detection process.