
Characteristics Analysis on the chi-square Detection Algorithm

  • 摘要: 对图像信息隐藏chi-square检测算法的特性进行了剖析,介绍了改变隐藏载体的分布特性、非LSB(least significant bits)嵌入和随机嵌入三种抗检测的算法思想,分析了EzStego v2.0b3和Jsteg v4.0隐写软件隐藏算法存在的弱点,并进行了改进,达到了抵御chi-square检测法的目的。


    Abstract: This paper analyzes the characteristics of chi-square detection algorithm for image information hiding and briefly introduces three defending detection algorithm ideas.They are transforming steganographic carry properties,inserting instead of LSB and random inserting algorithm.And then we analyze algorithmic weak points of EzStego v2.0b3 and Jsteg v4.0,improve them for defending chi-square detection algorithm successfully.


