Choice of Carrier Phase Combined Observation of GPS Using Fuzzy Cluster
摘要: 鉴于传统GPS载波相位组合观测值筛选方法工作量大的问题,引入了模糊聚类筛选理论,将其与载波相位组合理论相结合,对聚类指标进行了选取,运用最大树聚类法对GPS三频载波相位组合观测值进行了分类。通过矩阵变换法及实例验证了该方法的可行性与可靠性。Abstract: This paper analyzes the cluster index selected through the theory of carrier phase combination,uses the maximal tree method to classify triple-frequency carrier phase observations of GPS and discusses the results,proves the typical observation selected according to the matrix transformation and a living example.The results shows that the method is feasible and reliable.